The Human Body - the Best Doctor in the World.
The word ´doctor´ here refers to the one on call inside our body.
He works 24 hours a day to keep us healthy. When we catch a cold, he creates a river of mucus to carry the bacteria out of our body. When our cold settles in our chest and our lungs get congested, he makes us cough in order to rid our lungs of the congestion. When we get a fever, it is an indication that he is fighting off the infection. If we eat something that does not agree with our body, our doctor makes us vomit to rid our body of the culprit.
When our doctor senses abnormal cells, he immediately begins to encapsulate the suspected cells and form a tumor. Even when a tiny splinter is detected, in less than a few hours, our doctor forces it out. As we sleep, our doctor continues to work, cleansing our body and getting us ready to fight another day.
If you want to keep your doctor in tip-top condition, give him plenty of water, fresh fruits, vegetables, proper nutrition and exercise. Remember, your doctor has to work harder than ever these days. We must give him all the help he needs to keep us healthy. (If you think about it, this is the only doctor in the world who can actually cure you)
The following testimonials are taken from DXN's News letters, Internet articles and DXN's organized meetings. I am not a doctor and the advice below does not replace professional medical treatment in any way. But it can be worth a good try. I am along with my family taking DXN's RG & GL (contains 100% Reishi Ganoderma) daily to maintain good health and found useful. Please note that Ganotherapy differs person to person depends up on their body composition and toxins deposited in the body.
Ganoderma does not cure any disease by itself, but it builds up your immune system and restores the body functions. Your body, when in good shape is the best doctor and can fight off any disease.
The interesting factor is that RG/GL pairs are used here for all the diseases/ailments. This RG/GL is taken for all the diseases since they contain 100% Reishi Ganoderma which works on cell level. When cell is corrected, the organ, composition of cells is corrected and hence whole body, composition of organs is corrected. Some are using Ganozhi (tooth paste), Lingzhi Coffee, Cocozhi (health drink ) as a support which also contain (15-28 %) Reishi Ganoderma.
The scientific data accumulated over the past 30 years help explain why Reishi Ganoderma is effective in all the parts of our body :
Mavis Lincoln Sunshine Coast, Australia (June 2011 Update).
Hi! I’m Mavis Lincoln.
Here’s my story:
Mavis Lincoln Sunshine Coast, Australia (June 2011 Update).
Hi! I’m Mavis Lincoln.
Here’s my story:
I stood speechless as my sister’s bad news slowly sank into my shocked brain. "Mum has been given 2 days to live”, Verna said. "Get all the family down to Brisbane Women’s Hospital”. We drove through the night and Mum passed away 2 days later. She had just turned 53.
My mother had undergone a radical mastectomy of her right breast, and in less than 2 months it had beaten her. The Brisbane doctors admitted that she should never have been subjected to the month of radiation. It had really weakened her immune system. Many believed then, and still do, that when cancer cells are cut and exposed to air, they spread. The post mortem report described a "galloping cancer” throughout many parts of her body.
There was my other family history, of course. Both my grandmothers had died of bowel cancer – one was 52; the other was 66. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins had also succumbed to various types of cancer, (one cousin with leukemia was only 34). My younger brother became a fatality at age 55.
It was probably the day after my mother’s funeral that I made a definite decision that should I contract the disease, I would not submit to surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. Each person, of course, must make his/her own personal decision. Mum had desperately sought help from a prominent Brisbane alternative therapist during her radium treatment, but sadly, natural therapists were very hesitant back then to treat cancer.
The day I was introduced to Ganoderma in June 2004, was the same day my doctor had sent me for an ultrasound to investigate lower abdominal pain. Since he was then on holidays, it was 2 weeks before I received the results. The doctor carefully explained that for uterine cancer they would remove the uterus and I would not live long, or enjoy quality of life in the meantime. Conversely, if I did nothing, the result would be the same – not much of a choice!! Thankfully, he then acknowledged my right as a patient to choose my own path which he noted in records. I signed a form releasing him from responsibility, and decided to increase my intake of Ganoderma.
Two subsequent scans at quarterly intervals showed very pleasing progress, as did the scan 14 months later. This time the endometrium thickening was down from the original 6.3mm to 2.8mm (4mm is allowable for my post menopausal age). Medically this is extremely rare. Very importantly, the previously described tubular structure related to the endometrium was no longer apparent. My doctor said, "I am very happy with this report”.
During this visit, though, the doctor reminded me that my last colonoscopy several years earlier, had shown pre-malignant polyps, and he ordered another colonoscopy. Very happily, this test was clear.
In 2008, my requested test report prompted my doctor to say, "I’m not sending you for further tests; there is just no need”. Sometime later, my doctor moved interstate.
A few months ago, because of my family history and for my own ongoing peace of mind, I asked my new doctor for an updated test of the pelvic area. The results were still excellent.
I feel very blessed, and I thank God that Ganoderma was available at the very time I so desperately needed it. I continue to take Ganoderma for both future protection and for an amazing quality of life for my approaching 75 years. Mavis Lincoln Mobile: 0421 286 188
The Immune system, your first line of defense! |
1) Mrs. Nalini - Small lump -1 biopsy taken at CMC Vellore - was diagnosed as breast cancer (right multiple lymph nodes + axillary + surgical procedure with chemotherapy was given. Patient's general condition became very weak, lost all hair with nutritional deficiency. Advised Ganotherapy and started from Sep 2000 1 pair to start with than increased gradually RG-2, GL-4 (6-6-6) for 2 months with regular follow up. December 2000, patient's general condition improved. RG-4, GL-8 (12-12-12) for 2 months with Gano coffee thrice. General health improved, weight gained, skin improved and good hair growth. CT scan chest and upper abdomen liver, gall bladder, spleen pancreas reveals no abnormality. No evidence of any enlarged nodes seen in the lower abdomen porta hepatis and in relation to retro peripheral vessels. When compared with previous scan 04.09.2000, there is very minimal increase in the number of lesions. No evidence of any enlarged nodes in axilla. Patient clinically free from metastasis. Advised to be on RG-2, GL-4 (6-6-6) for 3 months, Gano coffee 3 times with regular follow up.
2) Mrs. Rajini Sarma, Karnrup, Assam. - She was suffering from Cancer of Oesophagus (Middle third) since last 1999 and was treated with Radio therapy in Dr.B. Barooah Cancer Institute, Guwahati, Assam and 8 months later again. She felt difficulty in swallowing both solid as well as liquid and recurrence of the same was seen. After necessary examination, she was advised to continue for a course of Chemo-therapy again and discharged with regular medical advice. But gradually her weakness increased to ten fold, and wide spread metastasis was noticed in association with paralysis of both the lower limbs and a big bed sore on the lower back. Patient does not want to take food and drink and crying all the time (day & night), tendency to take food is almost decreased except a few sips of water or liquid in some moments. As the day progressed, her general condition worsened and developed a kind of suicidal tendency scatting, "please give a poisonous injection so that I can die without any trouble to the family" or "hit me with a bullet".. etc. Ganotherapy was started on 28th of January 2001 with 2 pairs of RG + GL twice daily (consuming the capsule with milk/water) and noticed keenly. After two days, she could recover her hunger, felt very relaxed and sleepy on 6th day she asked for semi-solid food (masked rice with dal) and 9th day she asked to put oil on her hairs and wanted to sit in early sun-light. Gradually her bed-sore reduced in size and feeling much better than earlier.
3) Mrs. Puttayamma, 60 years, referred by Dr.Malathy Ramani. 5th May 2000, cancer cervic, HB treated with radiotherapy. Biopsy poorly differentiated squamous cells, cancerous wound in vulvovaginal region, severe pain and purulent discharge. 21.09.2000, 1 pair for 1st week and 2 pairs morning and evening till 31.10.2000 and 3 pairs for one month. Patient general condition improved very well, side effects of radiotherapy had come down. 27.11.2000 started RG 2x2x2 for 6 days, GL 4x4x4 for 6 days. Patient was looking healthy. Pain had come down. Scan revealed the Tumour Mass had come down and no further spread. 04.12.2000 RG-3, GL-6 daily. General condition improved very well. 10.01.2001 - RG-2, GL-2 till April 2001. 15.07.2001 - General condition good, no weight loss. 17.11.2002 Scan revealed uterus atrophic size reduced, no free fluid. General condition good, 2 pairs daily for maintenance.
4) Shanthi - Suffering from Cancer, left breast since 2001 May. Had undergone the operation chemotherapy and radiation within 7 months. During the periodic check up at Adayar, they found that there is some growth in the right breast. Both fine needle aspiration test and the biopsy showed some calcification. I came to know about Ganotheraphy in March 2003 and started taking it regularly. I took RG 2+GL 4 twice daily with Morinzhi syrup. I believe that the RG and GL and Morinzhi has made everything normal and above all God's help. Presently I am healthy and I am now working as nurse and social worker, working among the women groups> I visit my village regularly and I feel I am alright.
5) Mrs. Rajini- India - Cancer : Monocytic Leukemia Terminal Case : WBC TC: 800: Hb: 5.1g. Presenting symptom : Bleeding gums, bleeding rectum, bleeding pervagina, Respiratory Distress, Every 5th day required blood transfusion. (Patient advised by cancer inst. to undergo bone marrow transplantation costing around Rs. 11 lakh failing which they can't assure her life beyond 5 days)
22.02.00 General Condition improved : WBC TC: 1200, Bleeding gums, PR & PV stopped completely.
29.02.00 WBC TC: 2400, Blood transfusion given Hb: 9.7g.
07.03.00 Hb: 9.1g, WBC TC: 2200 clinically stable.
15.03.00 General condition further improved, patient able to do all her work independently including outside work.
23.03.00 Additional protein mix given. Patient felt energetic and could handle her SIL's FIL's dealt with work load as a normal person. Hb: 8.7g WBC TC: 3300
23.04.00 Same condition, therapeutic plateau
09.05.00 Hb reduced, blood transfusion given after two months. Condition stable WBC : 1800
6) Mr. Ramalah - India - Cancer : Carcinoma both vocal cords. Treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Patient all right for 3 months. On routine checkup, found out at cancer Inst. Recurrence of growth in left vocal cord. Advised immediate operation costing Rs. 30,000/- that the patient can not afford.
10.04.00 Condition Same
17.04.00 Condition improved with change of voice. Patient able to talk clearly.
23.04.00 General well being felt by patient. Patient attended his work without problem.
01.05.00 After taking Lingzhi coffee along with RG-GL, patient developed increased appetite, gain weight and speed is normal.
25.05.00 Status Quo : Patient okay.
7) Mrs. Meng Yunqing - China - I was informed I had colon cancer in Dec. 2001. In Jan. 2002 I was operated on and started chemotherapy. In 2003, I was re-examined and operated on again, but only to find that the cancer had spread all over my belly. The doctor said that no therapy was needed and I left the hospital. I stayed in bed all day long and could not eat anything. My belly ached. Then, I took Ganoderma Lucidum. After I had taken one bottle, the ache decreased and my appetite increased. I could even walk about in the room.
8) Mrs. Xie Yingyin - China - I was found bleeding, nasal obstruction, tinnitus in 2002. After examination, the report was that I got N-P.C., and started the chemotherapy in the Center Hospital . During the period, I had thirstily, sore-throat, WBC reduced & lost her appetite. When my husband got the news that Ganoderma Lucidum has a good function of anti-tumor, I started to take it. After taking it 10 days, the number of WBC increased obviously, while the side effects diminished. As a result of these, the chemotherapy took over successfully. Now I can work normally.
9) Mrs. Qian'xiaochun - China - In July 1999, I got rectum cancer. After operation, I started three stages of chemotherapy every three month. But the side effects of the decrease of leukocyte were so sensitive that I became very weak. I had to stop chemotherapy. In Feb. 2002, one of my friend introduced Ganoderma Lucidum to me. After taking it, my body recovered, and my appetite improved. Since I took Ganoderma Lucidum, I have never had cold. My sleep improved. In June 2003, I was re-examined thoroughly, and everything went well. I am a healthy person now.