
The Human Body - the Best Doctor in the World.

The word ´doctor´ here refers to the one on call inside our body.

He works 24 hours a day to keep us healthy. When we catch a cold, he creates a river of mucus to carry the bacteria out of our body. When our cold settles in our chest and our lungs get congested, he makes us cough in order to rid our lungs of the congestion. When we get a fever, it is an indication that he is fighting off the infection. If we eat something that does not agree with our body, our doctor makes us vomit to rid our body of the culprit. 

When our doctor senses abnormal cells, he immediately begins to encapsulate the suspected cells and form a tumor. Even when a tiny splinter is detected, in less than a few hours, our doctor forces it out. As we sleep, our doctor continues to work, cleansing our body and getting us ready to fight another day. 

If you want to keep your doctor in tip-top condition, give him plenty of water, fresh fruits, vegetables, proper nutrition and exercise. Remember, your doctor has to work harder than ever these days. We must give him all the help he needs to keep us healthy. (If you think about it, this is the only doctor in the world who can actually cure you)

The following testimonials are taken from DXN's News letters, Internet articles and DXN's organized meetings. I am not a doctor and the advice below does not replace professional medical treatment in any way. But it can be worth a good try. I am along with my family taking DXN's RG & GL (contains 100% Reishi Ganoderma) daily to maintain good health and found useful. Please note that Ganotherapy differs person to person depends up on their body composition and toxins deposited in the body.

Ganoderma does not have any side effects, however after using the product you might experience a reaction for a while. This is good sign and it means, the product is removing toxins from your body that are settled. After a few days, these reactions will diminish. For instance, if you suffer from Migraine headaches, your headache might even worse for a few days, but then it will disappear. If the reaction gets too severe, cut your doses in to half for a few days.

Ganoderma does not cure any disease by itself, but it builds up your immune system and restores the body functions. Your body, when in good shape is the best doctor and can fight off any disease. 

The interesting factor is that RG/GL pairs are used here for all the diseases/ailments. This RG/GL is taken for all the diseases since they contain 100% Reishi Ganoderma which works on cell level. When cell is corrected, the organ, composition of cells is corrected and hence whole body, composition of organs is corrected. Some are using Ganozhi (tooth paste), Lingzhi Coffee, Cocozhi (health drink ) as a support which also contain (15-28 %) Reishi Ganoderma.

The scientific data accumulated over the past 30 years help explain why Reishi Ganoderma is effective in all the parts of our body : 


Written by Mavis Lincoln
The day I was introduced to DXN Ganoderma (10.06.2004) was the same day my Doctor had sent me for an Ultrasound to check out an unrelated non-vital  medical problem. However, the Ultrasound revealed that I had a very serious problem. When Hospital was recommended, I immediately refused this medical treatment, informing my Doctor that my mother and other close family members had suffered early deaths from similar problems. They had been treated by conventional medical procedures and there was absolutely no way I intended to take the same path.

I feel very blessed, and thank God that DXN Ganoderma was available at the very time I so desperately needed it.  I continue to take RG and GL for both future protection and for an amazing quality of life for my age which is now 72. 

My Doctor carefully explained how they would take out the uterus and I would not live long or enjoy quality of life. Conversely If I did nothing, the result would be the same - not much of a choice. Thankfully, he then acknowledged my right as a patient to choose my own path which he noted in records.

I decided to continue with RG and GL on an increased dosage of 6 pairs a day and to have another Ultrasound in 3 months. The endometrium thickening at the first ultrasound had been 6.3mm and should have been no more than 4.0mm for my post menopausal age of almost sixty eight.  Then, after just 3 months, my second Ultrasound showed that the 6.3mm thickening had reduced to a younger person’s 3.00mm which medically is extremely rare. 
A further bonus was that a polyp (previously hidden by the uterine thickening) and some ovarian cysts had also disappeared. After inspecting the image this time, the ultrasound operator at the laboratories asked me if I was taking HRT. When informed that I was taking Ganoderma she smiled and said "Oh! are you enjoying your Ganoderma?”
14 months later the reading was 2.8mm, and then most recently in April 2008 (nearly "4 years from the start) the test report prompted my Doctor to say "I’m not sending you for any further tests – there is just no need.”